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Do You Have Questions About Criminal Defense?

If the authorities are investigating you or have charged you with a crime, you probably feel overwhelmed. This can be a frightening and confusing period filled with unanswered questions. At Law Office of Brandon S. Naidu, we understand what you are going through because we have defended numerous people from criminal charges.

Here, we have compiled a list of some of the most frequently asked questions from our clients. We hope that this helps you understand a bit more about your situation.

Q. What should I do if a police officer wants to talk to me?

You should never speak to a police officer or other law enforcement officer without a lawyer present. Even if you have not done anything wrong and even if the officer asks politely to speak with you, you should invoke your Fifth Amendment rights by saying, “I wish to remain silent until I have an attorney.”

Q. Why shouldn’t I speak to the police?

Many people inadvertently reveal incriminating information to the police in what seems like a perfectly harmless conversation. Police interrogators have ways of getting the information they want out of people – even if you have absolutely no involvement in a crime. In extreme scenarios, some people have even made false confessions to crimes that they did not commit.

Q. Can a cop search my property?

The police cannot search your car, house, apartment, garage, backpack, suitcase or other belongings unless:

  • They have your permission.
  • They have probable cause to believe that they will find evidence of a crime.
  • They have a search warrant.

If a police officer asks to search your property, you should politely but firmly refuse.

Q. What is the difference between a misdemeanor and a felony?

Misdemeanors are a lower category of crimes than felonies. Most misdemeanors receive a fine, probation or community service. In rare cases, they may result in jail time. Felonies are the more severe category. Felonies carry higher penalties and often result in incarceration.

Q. What is a plea bargain?

A plea bargain is when a defendant makes a deal with the state to plead guilty to a lesser charge in exchange for a lighter sentence. There are some cases in which a plea bargain will result in the lightest penalty. In other cases, it may be better to proceed to trial.

Q. Is it worth it to hire a lawyer? Should I work with a public defender?

Without a doubt, there are many skilled public attorneys in San Diego. Unfortunately, public defenders often have high caseloads and cannot always devote their full attention to you. Instead, it is wise to hire an attorney who can prioritize your case and get to know you as a person. Remember, when you face criminal charges, your future and your freedom are at stake; there is no price too high to protect these.

Ask More Questions To A Lawyer

This list probably does not even begin to answer all your questions. You can ask more questions to attorney Brandon Naidu when you schedule a consultation with The Law Office of Brandon S. Naidu in San Diego. To schedule, call 619-736-2743 or send an email.